News Release


XYMAX started using AI and LINE (chat app) in its Facility Management Services

XYMAX Corporation (head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Masafumi Shimada) ("XYMAX") started using artificial intelligence (AI) and "LINE", a mobile chat application widely used in Japan, in its call center service. This service is part of the building maintenance services (facility management) which XYMAX is providing under the service contracts awarded by retailers and other business operators having two or more locations ("multi-store operators").

In this service, the multi-store operator's store staff can use the chat app to request a repair and fee quote, and share the repair progress on the app. It can reduce the workload of the store staff because it allows the store staff and the call center staff to communicate more easily and accurately. The content of the communication is analyzed by AI to determine the area which needs to be repaired and the urgency level so that we can provide a prompt response to the store staff.

A prompt response is important because facility troubles are not only inconvenient for the shoppers but also a loss of business opportunity for the store. The communication between the store staff and XYMAX's call center staff was a problem because store staff did not necessarily have the knowledge of the buildings and facilities; describing the situation on the phone was difficult and it took time. XYMAX's new call center service allows the store staff to report the situation by using the chat app, and the posted pictures and text are analyzed with AI to recognize where the repair is needed and decide whether it is urgent.

XYMAX thinks that this service can reduce the workload of the store staff, and the store staff can concentrate on their core business such as selling the goods or providing services. We are going to increase the number of users of this service in addition to the several multi-store operators we are already providing this service.

Service Overview

Service Overview
• Store staff was not familiar with the facilities.
• It was difficult for the store staff to explain on the phone where the failure occurred and how the situation was.
Communication was time consuming.
• Store staff can communicate by choosing one of the multiple choices on LINE.
• Store staff can take pictures and send them. Easy to show the place and situation of the failure.
Easy and accurate repair request can be possible.

Service Details

• How to start the service
Complete the initial setting on LINE by just registering the store's phone number and staff's name. After that, the staff can make a request without completing something else.
• Screen images
Screen images
Request a repair and fee estimate, check the progress of ongoing repair, etc.
Screen images
Most of the communications can be done by selecting the multiple choices on the LINE screen.
Screen images
AI analyses the uploaded pictures and text and recognizes the area which needs to be repaired and judges whether urgent repair is needed.

XYMAX will keep introducing IT and other technologies in facility management services, as we presented in this release, and also in other building maintenance services and improve our service level.

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