New Research

Office Disaster Prevention Survey 2013
How office occupiers in Japan are prepared for disasters.

Many companies increased awareness of the importance of being prepared for earthquakes having experienced the devastating Great East Japan Earthquake which severely affected everyday lives of people and business. It is very important for companies to secure safety of its office workers who spend most of their day time in office. Securing safety of office is also important from the perspective of business continuity because office is an important hub of business activities.

Then, how do companies recognize the importance of disaster prevention? How are they prepared for future disasters? Xymax surveyed its office tenants in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya to find out the actual situation.

Key Findings

Preliminary Measures (before disaster)
About 30% of the companies implemented preliminary measures such as fixating furniture to the wall or floor and providing a protective helmet to its employees.
This percentage is, however, low compared to Emergency Measures.

Emergency Measures (within three days after disaster)
About 70% of the companies in Greater Tokyo have emergency water stock.
But only half of them have water stock enough for three days or more.

Recovery Measures (after three days from disaster, to resume business)
Data backup system is the most popular measure equipped by the companies.
Less than 40% of the companies prepared Business Continuity Plan (BCP)

Over 90% of the companies responded that the geographical stability and quake-resistance level of building are important when choosing office space.

Survey Outline

Survey Period August 2013
Surveyed Tenants 2,100 tenant companies occupying office buildings under management by Xymax Group in Greater Tokyo
(Tokyo, Kanagawa, and Saitama prefectures), Nagoya City, and Osaka City.
Respondents 1,312 companies (Response rate: 62.5%)
Survey Coverage
  1. 1.Preliminary Measures (initial measures)
  2. 2.Emergency Measures (water/food stock, safety confirmation system)
  3. 3.Recovery Measures (measures required to resume business)
  4. 4.Important criteria when choosing office space
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